Improve Performance & Support Well-being

Performance doesn’t have to be at the cost of well-being. Our factor analysis research has revealed the foundational root-level enablers and disablers of optimal performance and well-being.The Positive Intelligence (PQ) Mental Fitness app-based program delivers personalized daily practices that strengthen the three core muscles of mental fitness. This results in lasting positive habits that improve well-being, boost performance, and strengthen relationships

 Building Mental Fitness with Positive Intelligence

Through our neuroscience-based techniques, the PQ Program strengthens the three core muscles of mental fitness:

Self-command Muscle

Develop greater mastery over your own mind, learn how to overcome self-doubt, recover from disappointments faster, and spend less time in anger, regret, or blame.

Saboteur Interceptor Muscle

Intercept your Saboteurs the moment they try to hijack your performance, well-being, or relationships. This shifts the balance of power from Saboteur to Sage.

Sage Muscle

Learn the Sage Perspective and activate Sage Powers to reframe failure, unleash creativity and innovation, while building resilience and perseverance.

Immersive Foundational Program

Through intensive daily practice, weekly video sessions, measurable progress and community support, new neural pathways are created for lasting results.

PQ Grow Program

Once the foundational core muscles are established, the app ensures continued growth through a variety of work and life applications delivered monthly.

Customized Coaching and Accountability

During the app-based Foundational Program, weekly accountability groups called Pods are supported by a PQ Certified Coach or can be self-facilitated. Additional coaching is also available.

Interested in the Positive Intelligence Program for your organization?

Let’s connect

Susan Curtin, Positive Intelligence® Certified Mental Fitness Coach
